CEA is Sustainability-Driven
We are passionate about getting our clients the best energy rates in the market, but we also know the cheapest and cleanest energy is the energy you don’t use. To that end, we are committed to driving efficiency and promoting overall environmental stewardship and sustainability through our partner, Viridi – and guess what? We practice what we preach! We have focused our internal efforts on reducing our costs and carbon emissions through targeted sustainability measures.

Our Impact
As you can see by our impact above, we believe that implementing small, practical measures helps companies become more sustainable. We've adopted the following practices:
- Office and employees' homes run on 100% renewable energy
- Work from home – reduces carbon emissions from commute
- Recycling
- Reducing waste through re-usable dishes and cutlery
- Programmable thermostat turned down during off hours
- Conserving energy using power strips and conscious habits
- Printer sleep mode when not in use
- File storage moved to cloud – less paper waste
- Printing double-sided when needed to save paper
Need help achieving your sustainability goals?
Whether you are...
- Striving to meet your ESG commitments to investors
- Responding to pressures from your customers demanding environmental responsibility
- Trying to attract and retain younger, well-educated members of the workforce
- Or are passionate about doing your part to curb climate change
Our partner Viridi provides sustainability solutions to meet your goals. And if you don't have goals yet, don't worry! They can help you develop them.